The Nevada Critical Labor Shortage  Regulation


Coalition Personnel Stats

  • August 2022- Economic Policy Institute estimates 300,000 new teachers by 2024.

  • August 2022, Florida started the school year with 9500 teacher vacancy

  • NEA Spring 2022-survey 3000 educators 90% reported burn out

Recruitment Efforts


  • Some states are moving to a 4-day week (Texas)- offering $ incentives for educators-and bonus for hiring high needs which includes special education teachers.

  • Des Moines, Iowa- offered as much as $50,000 in additional pay and bonuses for educators to stay on


In Nevada-

  • WCSD at 91% capacity and offering additional compensation for special education teachers and related services personnel over caseload-

  • WCSD negotiated an additional 2 days of pay for SLPS for 2022- 2023 school year

  • Additional incentives $3000 for all educators-

  • Clark County offered $5000 Signing Bonus

The Nevada Critical Labor Shortage  Regulation

Why the shortage?

The Economic Policy Institute reports a projected shortfall of around 200,000 public school teachers by the 2025-26 school year without significant intervention. Add to that the fact that 340,000 fewer students enrolled in teacher preparation programs in 2018 than in 2010.

In 2019, the Economic Policy Institute published on the growing teacher shortage, citing experts such as Linda Darling-Hammond, one of the foremost authorities on teacher education. The article concluded a number of factors affect educator shortages — working conditions, low pay and school and community environment, among others — and that the problem will only get worse if underlying causes are not addressed. The last three years have proven that statement true.

Nevada Personnel Shortages

Since 2007-The NSHA Coalition have been collecting Nevada's special education related service personnel shortages.  Click on the chart to find out more about the changes throughout the years.