Nevada Speech Language Hearing Association – NSHA/NV Coalition to Address Personnel Shortages in Special Education and Related Services is modeled after the National Coalition on Personnel Shortages. The NSHA Coalition is a statewide collaborative effort. It is supported by the Nevada Speech-Language and Hearing Association (NSHA) and the Nevada Department of Education.


The mission of the NSHA/NV Coalition is to identify, disseminate, and facilitate the implementation of the identified strategies to remedy personnel shortages of service providers of children and youth with disabilities, and persistent vacancies in those areas at the state and local levels for the benefit of all children and youth throughout Nevada.


Bring together stakeholders

  • Monitor, track, and collect related data and information.

  • Develop and facilitate professional learning for special education teachers and related service personnel.

  • Engage in advocacy at the federal, state, and local levels for implementation of strategies to address personnel shortages and persistent vacancies.


Our team can assist with planning and facilitating professional learning opportunities-
Gathering resources, collecting specific data requests, and researching topics related  to special education teachers and trained service personnel recruitment and retention efforts.

In 2011, the goal of the NSHA/NV Coalition was to initiate and sustain a statewide discussion among stakeholders on the need for and value of recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining highly qualified providers of special education, related services, and early intervention services to children throughout Nevada. Related service providers include school counselors, school nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, school psychologists, school-based speech-language pathologists and school social workers.


  • The project will plan, design, and facilitate systematic professional learning projects as directed by the NDE staff to support the recruitment, selection, training, and retention of effective related service personnel.

  • The project will support collaborations and partnerships with NDE, NSHA Coalition, IHE, and Nevada school districts by providing technical assistance

    to enhance the preparation of advanced degree programs in special education related services to better support children and youth with disabilities.

  • The project will increase and expand the “Get the Word Out” campaign in Nevada.

  • The project will support Nevada’s participation in the United States Department of Education’s “Teacher Shortage Area” designation program.

  • The project will support the participation of Nevada school districts in Nevada Medicaid’s School Health Services.

  • The project will support the NDE and NSHA/NV Coalition’s ongoing collaborative efforts to provide training to facilitate statewide alignment with the NDE vision.